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According to the requirements of the employers for service family housework, take care of the children, the elderly, patients, family affairs management related matters, and are willing to be engaged in quite a long time of housekeeping.
Is a family life service team of managers, can to housework as a whole management, not only has the ability of professional housekeeping waiters, and at the same time also has the ability to GuanLiGu maid...
Is 0 to 3 years old baby life care, care and education personnel (professional medical care, professional development of enlightenment, the entire life care...
For newborn babies and maternity provide life care, daily care and special nursing staff.[Detail]...
For the old man to old-age care provide the socialization of service well, life care and spiritual solace give priority to...
In the employ of the same employer is labor time every day not more than 4 hours, labor remuneration to hours as the calculating unit of a part-time day labor form...
For disease, weak old, rehabilitation hospital discharge, acute or chronic patients and provide a home life care and hospital life care and simple medical care...
The sitting room the bedroom cleaning, kitchen, toilet cleaning, cleaning, Surface cleaning and maintenance, wipe interior doors and Windows, household and adornment, finishing indoor clothes, sundry etc;
Office daily cleaning, floor, walls, ceiling, and all kinds of decorative facilities cleaning, each floor public area daily cleaning and toilet clean, ladder clean, the garbage room and collect each layer of garbage, the public area plan for insecticidal deratization work.
According to the requirements of the employers for service family housework, take care of the children, the elderly, patients, family affairs management related matters, and voluntary engaged in quite long time of housekeeping, with English conversation, international etiquette, driving, the nutrition and health care of food, food dishes cooked, health and nursing
A higher culture, know education children, and are good at financial management, in etiquette, dressing have unique insights, not only want to understand a foreign language, but also will do western food, computer literate, will do personal assistant, know nutrition, nursery learn and so on the many kinds of professional knowledge
Export of labor services is the labor force flowing space of a kind of form. Including international labor service export and domestic export of labor services. International export of labor services in the second world war ii gained greater development, has become many countries in foreign trade and economic cooperation an important form.
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